Physical components of computer software

Posted by Admin May 15, Information Technology. A computer is an electronic device that receives and processes data into information that is useful to people. Parts of the computer system depends on how big it is or how it is used. A complete computer system consists of four parts which are given below;. Computer hardware is any physical component of the computer that you can touch. Computer hardware includes the following devices;.

It is the physical arrangement in a computer that contains the computer's basic circuitry and components. Bit is the smallest storage unit in the computer. A bit can store just 0 or 1, which is called binary, and therefore can be stored by physical devices or systems that has two separate states.

Notice that a bit has only two coding options, or 2 values. One bit is too small to be used, and thus computers use a larger storage unit called bytes. Bytes - are made of bits. Notice that a Byte has 2 8 coding options, values. RAM, hard drives and flash drives, are all types of storages measured by Bytes. It can be any character, including text and numbers, pictures, sound, or video. If data is not put into context, it doesn't do anything to a human or computer.

Within a computer's storage, data is a collection of numbers represented as bytes that are in turn composed of bits. For instance letter A, is only a data for an illiterate person but an information for someone who can read. Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Study guides. Computer Networking 20 cards. What are advantages of Database Approach. What is a network that covers a large geographical area such as a city country or world. What is the worlds largest wan.

What is a network server. Q: What are the physical components of the computer? Write your answer Related questions. What is the physical components of the computer? Physical components that make up your computer are known as?

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Are the physical components of a computer referred to as software? What is physical component of computer? What are computer hardware components? Physical component that make up your computer are know as? What is the general term that you use to refer to the physical components of the computer? What consists of the physical components inside a computer and are electrical in nature? What is the term used to describe the physical parts of the computer?

What is meant by hardware in computer science? Is register is physical in computer processor? The physical components that make up the computer The physical equipment of a computer system that you can touch? Is a computer program known as hardware?


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