This is because all of the service in that area is home-based. The total number of children that a Head Start center is funded by the Office of Head Start to enroll at any one time. Note on number of children served: The number of children that a Head Start center is funded to enroll at any one time may not be the same as the number that the center serves over the course of a school year.
Because children may leave the site or center and be replaced by other children, the funded enrollment may be less than the total number of children served. Agencies or organizations that contract with the Office of Head Start to provide or subcontract Head Start services in their area.
Agencies or organizations that contract with the Office of Head Start to provide or subcontract Head Start and Early Head Start services in their area. These are indicated here. This number differs somewhat because of differences in how grantees reported their site-based data to the Head Start Collaboration Office and how they reported their grantee-wide data to the federal Head Start program.
The differences for each year are:. Search the Database. Early Childhood Services and Programs. About the data Latest data: FY July 1, —June 30, ; school year — Head Start promotes the school readiness of young children from low-income families through agencies in their local community.
The locations of home-based service are not included as sites. This is the case for all geographic regions. Note that these reporting practices—of the inclusion of both center- and home-based services, and the reporting by all geographic regions—are different from how home-based service was reported in some previous years.
Funded enrollment The total number of children that a Head Start center is funded by the Office of Head Start to enroll at any one time. Note on center-based and home-based service, funded enrollment: The data for FY and FY on funded enrollment include both center-based and home-based funded enrollment. The ILHSSCO is dedicated to creating and enhancing partnerships at the federal, state, and local levels that successfully meet the early care and education, family support, health, and community building needs of low-income Illinois families with young children.
The Illinois Collaboration Office works to remove collaboration barriers and champion integrated systems. The Illinois Early Learning Council was established in All work is done in concert with other state efforts, such as those prioritized by the IL Early Learning Council.
Resource Type: Article. Skip to main content. Illinois Head Start Collaboration Office. The ILHSSCO generally achieves its mission through four lines of business: System Development and Planning — Reducing and resolving collaboration barriers; conducting pilot projects; needs assessments; data collection and analysis; program development; inclusion of the Migrant and Seasonal Head Start program; and representation on various groups.
Information and Product Development and Dissemination — Documents and publications that inform various groups about each other to further collaboration and the Head Start website.
Technical Assistance and Professional Development — Conducting and coordinating professional development events about collaboration; providing guidance and resources; and working with local communities, as needed and appropriate, to help them advance collaboration.
Advocacy — Advocating for policy and system changes as barriers are identified and solutions found, and informing about regulation and policy. Goals The major goals of ILHSSCO include: Promoting a coordinated early care and education system in Illinois that includes Head Start and Early Head Start through active collaboration with state, federal, and community partners and support for service and policy alignment.
Supporting a coordinated social and family services system for improved Head Start and Early Head Start family outcomes. Improving the collaboration of and access to family literacy and education support services for Head Start and Early Head Start families.
Collaborating with Illinois' early care and education professional development system to promote quality and ensure comprehensiveness across state and federal programs.