At the end of the day, the game is very fun to play and you can just turn it on and be totally immersed enjoying what the game has to offer.
With this games, you will get something that is not too technical and will offer great entertainment value. Virtua Tennis 4 is a fun game that you can just pick up and play. It is not a match to the awesome Top Spin 4 , but it is also not a horrendous game. If you buy this game, it is going to be an enjoyable experience as it is solid. If you are buying this to play with Kinect, fuggedaboutit, with Kinect it plain ol sucks. You can play on different courts and the game is just all round fun.
It is not an intense tennis game, like Top Spin 4 or Virtua Tennis 4, but if you like Sega nostalgia and use the characters to play tennis, then this game is good to go. Video games were just the thing that Microsoft's conference was missing. Sony did an admirable job during its PS4 conference by stressing that their console was primarily a gaming hub with extra features to enhance the living room experience. Microsoft, however, seems to possess an entertainment box that just happens to allow gaming.
Yes, we saw Call of Duty , but I would hardly call that a game to attract the masses of people who aren't hardcore gamers. If diversity is what Microsoft was trying to attain, then it is unclear how a military shooter will accomplish that.
The fact that the only other games shown off were sports games the likes of FIFA 14 was a blow to Microsoft's core customers. At the end of the day, if the Xbox One doesn't focus on games, then what we're left with is a somewhat more fancy Netflix device and that's going to be a tough sell to the casual audience. As far as innovation is concerned, Microsoft hasn't done enough.
Even the specifications of the hardware were a bit vague. Arguably the most important technical component for gaming - the graphics card - wasn't even mentioned during the conference. We know it has an 8-core processor, but we don't know how fast it is. Please Log In to post. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users.
This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Forums » Xbox What's the best tennis game on Xbox out now? Bring back the main forum list.