Answered by:. Archived Forums. Remote Desktop Services Terminal Services. Sign in to vote. Friday, March 16, PM. Hi, 1. On the Network Adapter tab, please make sure Unlimited Connections is selected 4. Hi, Did you install the Terminal Services Licensing? You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Home About Ub y. Terminal Server Licensing Transition Plan Microsoft realizes that the removal of operating system equivalency will affect customers and is committed to accommodating existing Microsoft customers who would like to take advantage of Windows Server features. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Maybe MS will be able to find your information if you call I doubt it.
You can electronically transfer CALs between Windows R2 license servers, but nothing before that. I hope you're not screwed. What's best practice for securing this kind of information. That sounds like mismanagement or lack of supervision to me. The company should have no problem shelling out the money for new licenses if they can't be found. This will teach them two things.
This will get them in an open mind set and that way when you need more it shouldn't be too hard to get. I learned not to even mention band-aid fixes anymore. Because as soon as they know they can get away without spending money they will. Once it breaks it will be all your fault. At least that's what I've experienced with past employers. Pretty much it is mismanagement, lack of supervision and hiring a "Guy who knows computers" to run a network that is slowly budding from a SMB to a small enterprise.
There's no harm in running a test of this because the P2V will leave the source completely intact. Care to share how you came to solution? Did you happen to find like an old paper notebook that has some network docs with a CD that has the missing CALs on it? I know, wishful thinking Stumbled upon an old order slip that had all the information needed to connect to microsoft licensing from the server.