It is a non-volatile memory unit which means that the data will stay in the chip regardless of the power supply. Few examples of peripheral devices are Keyboard — It is the main input which aids in inputting letters and symbols Mouse — Hardware to control the cursor in a monitor by hovering over a flat surface and performs selection and moving tasks.
Printers and Scanners — Devices that help in printing and scanning. The uses and types change with every environment. Webcams — Video cameras that stream live video during video chat or record video.
CD drives — Drives that read and write information from a compact disk. Graphic cards — Components that help in controlling and enhancing graphics. Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help Delivery in day s : 3.
Business Law Assignment Delivery in day s : 4. International Management Assignment Help Delivery in day s : 4. File server: The publishing house may need to share the files from Nottingham office to London office. The file server holds the all file of organization to provide the access to employees on the basis of security parameter and authentication success. In this manner, storage space can be shared and protected from authorized access.
Communication server: Both the branches of organization and working development groups need to communicate with each other Repschlaeger. Organization may need to setup the communication server for mail and instant replies. Communication server is useful for remote desktop broadcasting and information sharing in instant manner.
Printing server: Amun-Ra publishing may need to setup a printer in each branch so that printing work can be centralized. Local shared printing may reduce the cost and enhance the control on printing in workplace. For Amun-Ra Publishing House, file server is recommended to implement along with communication server because most of time the different branches of organization may need to share the instant information along with files. Also the centralised file system is required to reduce the space consumption and to enhance the sharing Mobedpour and Ding, Communication server is required to control the business activities form the Nottingham office and to instruct the development team for changes and improvements in network design.
Al though, applications in publishing work are not so costly unless organization can select application server instead of file server to share the applications. Workstations are powerful computing devices in network to facilitate the employees with easy information management and accomplishment of organizational objectives. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found Criteria reference To achieve the. Obeidat Dr. Hebah Nassir Dein 2.
How can you decide among various off-the-shelf software options? What criteria should you use? At first, we have to understand organization requirement because it will be a big mistake if we paid company's money into off-the-shelf software to find out that it does not meet the requirements. Then we have to ask ourselves three questions in order to decide between off-the-shelf software candidates: - Does the.
There are different strategies that can be used for dealing with the risk of a malicious attacks and threats. The strategy used will depend on the type of attack and threat, the strategies are risk mitigation, risk assignment, risk acceptance,. Open the file Answer sheet, provided by your assessor and answer the following questions. You will need to keep this document open throughout your assignment. This display consists of ten slides.