Career and technology foundations program of studies

Career and Technology Studies CTS is an opportunity for high school students to be designers of their own learning through the pursuit of personally meaningful occupational pathways in which they are encouraged to explore their passions and interests. Students will be asked to engage in tasks that are rigorous, deeply relevant and reflect the professional standards of the occupational areas in which they are studying, delivered through hands-on experiential learning.

Students build relationships that support and encourage success through the development of attitudes, skills, knowledge and values to support their career development journey from exploratory through to specialized or credentialed programming. Connecting learning to other disciplines students are encouraged to communicate their learning in a local and global context, demonstrating cultural sensitivity, and promoting personal growth.

Technical education--Study and teaching--Alberta. Occupations--Study and teaching--Alberta. Open Government Licence - Alberta. Alberta Education. Summary Detailed Information Description Starting in Fall , the Career and Technology Foundations CTF program of studies has been approved to be available for provincial implementation as an optional program for students Grades Agency Finances.

Contact Us. Other Services. General Information. Charter Schools. District Initiatives. School Boards. Curriculum Standards. Early Childhood Education. Graduation Information. Entry Event. Managing the Project. Assessment Critical Friends Protocol.

Individual vs Group. Support FAQs. The CTF Program of Studies aligns with a shift in curriculum design as outlined by various stakeholders across Alberta and compiled in the Inspiring Education document.


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