Eft fitting tools

However, if a character routinely uses particular implants you may wish to set them here. Occasionally you may prefer to test all level 4 values without having to change everything using the drop-down menus. Go to your EFT directory, then into the Characters directory. Open up the character file for your new All level IV with Notepad or some other basic text editor program , then use the replace all function to change the 5s to 4s. Save the changes and you'll have an 'all level 4' character for your theorizing pleasure :.

The Ship Browser is quite self-explanatory. Open this window via the File menu or via Ctrl-N. You use this window to select the ship you wish to edit fittings for. Ships are sorted into categories by their ship type e. Expanding one of these will display all ships in that category. The buttons to the left of this window allow you to filter ships by faction, however in practice it is not difficult to find ships so these aren't really much use!

The fitting panel is attached to the left of the screen by default, and despite its misleading name is actually more of an item browser. This panel is divided into two sections.

The top section is very similar to the ship browser, with many expandable catagories in pretty much the same arrangement as you would find them on the in-game market.

The second section displays all results for the selected item type, with tabs at the very bottom to select between Market i. This window also displays base cpu and powergrid requirements for each item, and items can be right clicked here to display their attributes. If you enable the "Price synchronization" option within the "Preferences" menu, the item attributes will also include a current price estimate.

EFT makes it very easy to import fits. Simply copy on an EFT-formatted fit available from most killboards , press ctrl-c to copy, and switch to your EFT window. EFT should ask if you want to import the fit. Say yes, and rename as appropriate. Occasionally the formatting on a forum will break the EFT format.

In this case, I have found that pasting to Notepad and then re-copying normally resolves issues. Now that we're familiar with the interface, let's talk through setting up a ship.

Use the ship browser to select the ship you want to fit. This will open a new window displaying the slot layout of that ship, and a whole lot of numbers. Let's talk about this window for a moment. Below you will see one I made earlier. Here you can select the character whose skills you want to apply to the setup. If the rectangle is red, you can hover your mouse over the box to see which skills the chosen character would need to fly this ship. Note that these required skills only show prerequisites needed to fit the modules and do not consider fitting skills such as Power Grid Management, CPU Management, Advanced Weapon Upgrades, etc.

You can drag items from the fitting panel into these slots, or simply double click them in the fitting window to add them to a free slot. To the left of any active module e. Clicking this tick will turn the module off, right clicking will overheat the module and holding Ctrl and clicking will 'offline' the module.

Simply clicking the icon again will undo any of these changes. Notice that when overheating is turned on for any module, a new column will appear in this window.

For discussion of ship fittings. The EFT tool used to be very useful, but now the site seems to be gone. The Wiki lists another, Pyr, but that link goes to what looks like a developers site, and doesn't download executable stuff.

I'm not a programmer, so it might be a valid source. However I couldn't see how to get anything from it probably 'cause it's way beyond my paygrade! Re: Fitting Tools? Install it like any other executable and enjoy the best fitting tool currently available. If you don't have Windows, I'm afraid you'll have to figure out how to install it yourself - but then, you kind of brought that on yourself by trying to game on a non-Windows platform.

Hope this helps! To see them bubbled before you, and to hear the lamentations of their carebears. Post by Quanah » Sat Aug 31, pm Thanks, you two. That did help. I just didn't find the. Now I'm having problems trying to get it to update thru SSO. Neocom II has a decent built in fitting tool, and it let's you kill time effectively on the go Speaking of fittings Wealth, security and strenght relies on fleets and cloaky bastards.

Download it from here Not here. I agree with Fugxu, and would go even further: EFT is one of the best out of game tools if not the best. Veryangrycustomeryo You are a fine example of the least common denominator. The program works fine, your brain does not. Its not perfect, but it works. Recent headlines Tech year wrapped up: Awful battery life, QR code comeback, global chip shortage,.. EVE Fitting Tool v2. Description Info All versions Reviews.

Instead of having to wait for your ship skills finish training and then experimenting with your fitting, you can plan what to plug in without even owning the ship itself. This saves you time and virtual money when planning the optimal fit for a ship.


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